Would you like your child to be able to communicate his needs and wants at all times?
Do you want to be able to to eliminate tantrums and be in charge of your relationship with your child?
How would your life be different if you had fun with your child instead of engaging in constant power struggles or constantly guessing what you need to do to make her happy?
Using strategies and techniques from Speech and Language Therapy, Behavior Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I can teach you how you can transform your relationship with your child in no time.
IMAGINE communicating with your child naturally, with ease
IMAGINE knowing what to do at all times to predict unwanted behaviors and use them as an opportunity to bond with your child instead
IMAGINE the effect this will have on your MENTAL PEACE and ENERGY LEVEL
STEP 1: Needs Assessment - identify your child's needs, and how they apply to communication
STEP 2: Understanding Behavior - understand what is beyond any tantrum, and learn proactive and reactive tools to extinguish undesired behaviors
STEP 3: Understanding Communication - learn how speech and language therapists assess and treat communication delays and disorders
STEP 4: Developing Skills - learn specific tools and strategies to help your child communicate to you his wants and needs, and understand your directions
STEP 5: Generalizing Skills - learn how to assist your child in generalizing his skills to other settings and people (on the playground, at school, with the nanny or grandparents)
In this program, I will teach you a series of powerful tools and techniques that can help you communicate with your child with ease and fun
* The 7 human needs of any human being, including your child's
* Your child's personality profile, including strengths, weaknesses, preferences and talents
* The #1 question to ask when your child is not listening to you
* What cognitive processes affect your child's communication abilities, and how to help him recover from a communication breakdown
* How to motivate your child to complete an activity or stop displaying a behavior
* How to tell whether your child cannot talk, or does not want to talk
* What age-appropriate toys and instruments to use to scaffold your child's language
* Strategies to correct mis-articulation of speech sounds
* How to use story-telling and books to model speech that your child can imitate
* How to create daily routines to support your child's speech and language
* How to facilitate playdates with peers
* How to engage your child's body to regulate his emotions and focus his attention
* The #1 key to getting your child to listen to you
* The 5 potential functions of any behavior and how to approach each
* The 7 keys to a successful speech/ language enhancement session
The "Talk to Me" Program is a unique program because of the following:
You and me meet privately twice a week for an hour to discuss your child's progress, and to trouble-shoot challenges. In between sessions, you have specific assignments to work on with your child based on the skills he needs to develop. The other two weeks I supervise you playing with your child and providing intervention on Skype.
In between sessions, I review videos of your child's interactions, and email you my notes. During our coaching sessions, we discuss my observations, and come up with a plan of action to address concerns and continuously support your child's development.
With your help, I will teach your child how to produce sounds, make sentences, follow directions, and play appropriately. You will learn visual, auditory and tactile cues directly from me, live.
* This is dependent on you and your child's ability to attend remotely. In the case of poor attending skills, special arrangements can be made for person-sessions.
After our initial evaluation, I will mail you a kit with materials you can use during our telepractice sessions and on your own with your child. These are materials that are functional, appropriate, and motivating to your child.
* A $500 value. If additional materials are required, the family is responsible for the purchase and shipping costs.
In the middle of the program I travel to your home, consult with you/ other teachers/ caregivers, and work with your child directly for 5 days straight.
* This is an added BONUS. Out of town families need to pay for transportation & accommodation, these costs are not included in this package.